Stimulates the development of mathematics and informatics in Bulgaria

Facilty of Mathematics and Informatics /FMI/ Initiatives Fund was established at Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation on March 21, 2018. The main goal of the Fund is to stimulate the development of mathematics and informatics in Bulgaria, creating opportunities to support the professional and scientific development of teachers, students, and organizing scientific and educational initiatives. 

Activities. To achieve its goal, the Fund will:

• provide financial support to distinguished students and lecturers of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at Sofia University;

• assists with partial scholarships for young promising talents approved by the commission for nomination of students for study abroad under the mobility programs of FMI and Sofia University (according to the established internal rules of the commission of FMI);

• implement various programs and initiatives that aim to raise the prestige of FMI and Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski ”;

• finance and organize educational programs and initiatives for students, young scientists and students in the field of mathematics and informatics;

• organize initiatives related to the career development of the FMI College (including students);

• organize, finance and implement other activities related to the objectives of the FUND;


The founders of the fund are Assoc. Prof. Dr. Parvan Parvanov, Dean of FMI and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veselin Gushev, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of FMI. The fund is managed by a Public Council, whose members are: the founders of the Fund, the executive director of WCIF - Iliana Nikolova and Ralitsa Again-Guri, member of the Board of Trustees of WCIF.

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